Ferencvárosi TC - Puskás Akadémia FC 1 : 1
OTP Bank Liga, NB I 2017/2018, 1. forduló
NB I 2017/2018: összes
ground :
Budapest, IX. ker., Groupama Aréna
referee :
Andó-Szabó Sándor
- fradi.hu: -
- pfla.hu: -
- nso.hu: 6.087
8' Vanczák Vilmos 14' Batik Bence 0 - 1 24' Szakály Péter 24' Szakály Péter 42' Varga Roland 1 - 1 45' Márkvárt Dávid 45' Rui Pedro 50' Poór Patrik 54' Koch Julian
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coach: Doll Thomas |
coach: Pintér Attila |
match history
- 2025.05.03 Ferencvárosi TC - Puskás Akadémia FC -
- 2025.02.09 Puskás Akadémia FC - Ferencvárosi TC 1-0
- 2024.09.29 Ferencvárosi TC - Puskás Akadémia FC 3-0
- 2024.03.17 Ferencvárosi TC - Puskás Akadémia FC 1-1
- 2023.11.26 Puskás Akadémia FC - Ferencvárosi TC 1-1
Ott voltak:
Ott voltál a mérkőzésen? Oszd meg benyomásaid, élményeid a meccsről!
új hozzászólás
Csak bejelentkezett felhasználók írhatnak hozzászólást!
My biggest criticism is ridiculously overbearing swarms of stewards and security: there were perhaps 8000 fans at this game and it felt like each had their own member of staff. As I strolled, 120 bpm Travolta-style, to the turnstiles with my ticket and Fradi card in hand trying to look like I knew what I was doing, I was intercepted by a steward, who did the disinterested pat-down with impressive aplomb. Then, having negotiated my way through a turnstile before, I scanned by ticket under the infrared sensor. Nothing. Other way round maybe. Nothing. The turnstile steward smiled at my helplessness and told me I had to scan my Fradi card (the ticket, therefore, serving no real purpose other than to tell me where to sit). I did this, but then she said “No. You must scan your hand!” After a couple of attempts, I placed my left hand into their scanner and my Fradi card into the other scanner, simultaneously, and the turnstile clicked, meaning that my “life line” on my left palm didn’t correspond to anything in their database of thugs and litterbugs, therefore I wasn’t the droid they were looking for and I could go about my business.
Once inside, if you’re looking for refreshments, the card system in operation means you find one of the people with a big flag on their back. You can top up in denominations of 1000Ft it seems, although, by design, a hot dog and a beer is 1030Ft – not an issue if you’re a regular, and quite cheap, but enough to ensure that groundhoppers leave with unspent credit, which is not refunded. The beer is Soproni, ubiquitous in Budapest, and is OK but nothing to get excited about. However, it was a very cold beer and at 490Ft for 0.4 litres on a hot day was very refreshing. For 540Ft, a hot dog with these freeze-dried space-food onions and a gloopy mayonnaise was an interesting beer sponge. At least they didn’t try to garnish it with the Devil’s food, cucumber, like they did at Honved.
I found my seat easily enough, and was given the once over by a mustachioed seed-muncher two seats down, presumably because I wasn’t decked out in Fradi merchandise, like most people were. The sun was beating down relentlessly on my spontaneously freckling bald head and I noticed that most of the supporters in the stand were wearing caps. So, I put my hand to my forehead, like a sailor peering beyond the horizon, hoping that the sun wouldn’t scorch a mark or blister into my hand incase I had to scan it to go for a piss.
As it happens, the toilets are more than adequate, and could accommodate a capacity crowd and the stewards without a problem. The view from the seat was perfect, the seat itself was comfortable and I had sufficient leg room. In all honesty, the facilities inside the ground are excellent, provided you can get in.
Ferencvaros v Puskas Akademia
The pre-match ritual involved an extra from Lord of the Rings running round the pitch with an eagle on his arm to some middle-ages feudal music, although I can’t help thinking its effect is diluted when the stadium is so empty. The fans were fairly enthusiastic but there wasn’t much variety in the singing: any variation of “Hajra” and “Fradi”, in any order, seemed acceptable.
Then, there was the football. The ball behaved like a twelve-sided die, skiting off of feet, shins and heads in random directions. Some agricultural tackling, reminiscent of Scottish Junior Football, punctuated the match with alarming frequency. I expected something similar in quality to the Scottish Premiership, or the bottom half of the Pro League in Belgium, but it was nothing like it. It was a big pile of sweaty bollocks, just like the Rudas Baths.
Zoltan Gera strolled around the pitch like he was Pirlo, with the arrogance of someone whose career wasn’t spent yo-yoing between the Premier League and the Championship in England. Unfortunately, while he was one of the better players on show, the 38 year-old’s performance didn’t match his ego.
The best football of the match was nevertheless played on the opening stages, with the home side having a little more of the play without being dominant. It was Puskas’ Academia who took the lead through Szakaly after 24 minutes, who promptly gestured towards the fans and made himself the pantomime baddie whilst acquiring a yellow card. Moments later, the same player was very lucky not to be sent off for a poor challenge and raising his hands.
Ferencvaros did press for an equaliser and Puskas’ keeper made a couple of good saves until a free kick was awarded on the edge of the box. It looked like a great chance, and the keeper left a large gap to his left. So, I sneaked out camera (having seen how friendly the staff were to tourists, I wasn’t keen to sample the fans’ disdain by filming like I was at Stamford Bridge) pointed it in the general direction of the goal and Varga flighted the ball into the top corner to equalise.
The second half was a not plot full of twists and turns but a collection of incomplete short stories, where you had to imagine the ending of each move, just like those “complete the story” competitions for teen authors. This passage of play could be summed up by the fact that two players, named ‘Poor’ and ‘Koch’, were booked for clumsy tackles. It was indeed, a limp affair.
A draw was probably a fair outcome for the match and, while I sometimes come away from games in buoyant mood feeling that nobody deserved to lose, this was a match where nobody deserved to win. The stand emptied very efficiently and within ten minutes, I was being whisked back towards Kalvin Ter along line 3 where my dinner awaited. I was Hungary.
Stadium Ratings
Quality of match: **
Stadium character: **
Stadium atmosphere: ***
Hospitality: ****
Ease of access: *****
Things to do around the stadium: *** (although loads 15 minutes away)
Overall: **.5
Conclusion: Ferencvaros’ stadium is perfectly situated and, once inside, is a very respectable arena. However the experience leaves a lingering aftertaste, like cucumber on a hot dog, of bewilderment at the complicated method of ticket acquisition (which is not worth the hassle – go to Kispest), and disappointment at the level of quality on the pitch.
Asszem Lovrék nem válnak be. Balu sehogy,Gergő meg nem hátvéd.
Szvsz Leó még mindig tud futballozni.
Batik visszatért. Nem emlékszem elvesztett párharcára.
Kis Lovre ezen a meccsen többet tett a csapatért, mint eddig Priska.
Sajna Zolinak sürgősen meg kell találni az utódját, eléggé lelassult, annak ellenére nem volt jó, hogy egy-két tanárit ma is csinált, pl. oxis passz Rolinak.
Roli nélkül sehol sem lennénk. Most elétenni egy újabb 3-4 éves szerződést.
A meccs emberei nálam: Batik Bence, Nando és Varga Roli.
Csalódás, de türelmet kell adni (kérdés mennyi ideig..): Rui Pedronak.
Kár, ezért a meccsét... Ha az eredményeket nézzük, akkor fordulatos egy szezon lesz. Ami még érdekes, hogy csere padra sem került Holczer (ő megsérült?, Sternberg és Bognár...)..
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A cserekkel egyebkent sem lehetett volna rosszabbat huzni, tudomany, ahogy ez az ember tonkrevagja az egyebkent is kohogo gepezetet egy vagy ket cserevel.
De hogy jot is mondjak: Batik meggyozo volt, Botka sem volt nagyon banto balbunkoban, a L.Balazs-Heris csata pedig elmenyszamba ment. Nekunk kellett volna (3-4 eve leigazolni Herist, de hiaba ugattunk mar akkor is), helyette jatszott mar itt bekket fu-fa a nemet regionalligabol es sehova se jutottunk veluk.
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Lovre nem hátvéd, sürgősen kell egyet találni....
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Radót lecserélték, semmit sem csinált....
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Volt iram, voltak jó megoldások. Nandótól például ma láttam először azt a játékot, amit az előrejelzések alapján várhatunk tőle.
Szóval szerintem azért nem volt annyira tré ez a meccs.