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    2008.02.28, 21:10
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    Than Károly SE
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Are you an active supporter? Do you go to the stadium regularly?

Keveset járok meccsre (azon kívül amikor nem én játszok) és akkor is csak válogatott meccsre

Which was the first match you saw live at a football ground?

Magyarország - Görögország

Your favorite place at the stadium?

The best match you ever saw?

Gázművek MTE - BEAC 12-4 - ifi Budapest kupa a félidőben a BEAC vezetett 1-4re, de felálltunk és 11 gólt lőttünk 45perc alatt

Your favorite stadium? Why?

Gázművek MTE - Sújtás utca

Who is responsible for the current bad condition of Hungary's football and what can be done better?

When will the Hungarian national team survive the qualifying round for a EC / WC?

Do you play football yourself?

jelenleg is focizok

Other interests besides football?

forma - 1, metál zene

If you were a referee...

If you were MLSZ president...

If you were UEFA/FIFA president...