1. felhasználónév
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  3. regisztrálás dátuma
    2011.01.25, 21:19
  4. honlap
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  7. honnan ismerem a
    most találtam meg véletlen , de nagyon jóóó
  8. mérkőzések
    1. Magyarország - Brazília
    2. Ázsia válogatott - Magyarország
    ...több / részletek

Are you an active supporter? Do you go to the stadium regularly?

Which was the first match you saw live at a football ground?

Your favorite place at the stadium?

The best match you ever saw?

Your favorite stadium? Why?

Üllői út . 129

Who is responsible for the current bad condition of Hungary's football and what can be done better?


When will the Hungarian national team survive the qualifying round for a EC / WC?

Szerintem sajnos 2100 ban

Do you play football yourself?

Other interests besides football?

Persze a nők

If you were a referee...

If you were MLSZ president...

If you were UEFA/FIFA president...