Budapest Honvéd FC - Szombathelyi Swietelsky-Haladás 2 : 0
OTP Bank Liga, NB I 2017/2018, 1. forduló
NB I 2017/2018: összes
ground :
Budapest, XIX. ker., Bozsik Stadion
referee :
Erdős József
- nela: 2.078
- 2.090
- Nemzeti Sport: 2.090
30' Bobál Dávid 1 - 0 35' Németh Milán 51' Kovács Lóránt 59' Simon Ádám 89' Lanzafame Davide 2 - 0 90' Halmosi Péter
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coach: van der Meer Erik |
coach: Mészöly Géza |
match history
- 2024.03.03 Szombathelyi Haladás - Budapest Honvéd FC 1-0
- 2023.08.28 Budapest Honvéd FC - Szombathelyi Haladás 1-2
- 2019.03.02 Budapest Honvéd FC - Szombathelyi Haladás 1-3
- 2018.10.27 Szombathelyi Haladás - Budapest Honvéd FC 0-1
- 2018.07.21 Budapest Honvéd FC - Szombathelyi Haladás 3-2
Ott voltak:
Ott voltál a mérkőzésen? Oszd meg benyomásaid, élményeid a meccsről!
új hozzászólás
Csak bejelentkezett felhasználók írhatnak hozzászólást!
At this point, it is wise to scope out the toilets, which are to the left of the turnstiles as you enter, and not in the “Bufé” area as logic would lead you to conclude. This is where all those indulging in their #againstmodernfootball ideologies have to walk the walk, and paddle in the pee of their comrades.
Once I showed my ticket to the attendant of the Puskas Stand, that is accessed from the front, I proceeded towards my seat covered in the ketchup which oozed from my hot dog while fumbling with my ticket just seconds previous.
They don’t sell “restricted view” tickets at Honved. That is all.
I took it upon myself to find a different spot after kick-off, but the Puskas stand was actually quite full. So, for the second half, I decided to stand above the seats of the bowl, near the pissers of the Proles, and was much happier. Standing here took me back to watching Junior Football, with kids chasing each other and a hedge separating the seats from the pitch. Football doesn’t have enough hedges. #hedgesnotfences
Honved v Haladas
I’d looked though the squads of both teams earlier in the day, and they only player I recognised was the iconic Gabor Kiraly, who is still playing in goal for Haladas, jogging bottoms and all. However, I wasn’t going to let my ignorance of Hungarian Football, which I was here to experience, allow me to prejudge the quality of football on show. A promoter of Hungarian may adopt the line Obi Wan uses when training Luke in the ways of the Force – “Your eyes can deceive you. Don’t trust them!” – but my eyes, sadly, did not deceive. The football on show was absolutely honking. Just about nothing came off, and the frustration of the crowd became increasingly evident.
I was quite impressed with the enthusiasm of the fans on the Kispest tribune – they had an excellent variety of songs and kept going throughout the ninety minutes, generating a good atmosphere given the density of fans in the stadium. Honved were, however, worthy of their win and their goals came from a near post header in the first half and a nice finish from Laczafame in the second. If they are the best team in Hungary though, the league is in a sorry state.
I left right on the final whistle, mindful that the trams were small and increasingly infrequent at this late hour. However, I had to wait ten minutes at the stop and everybody was able to get on without difficulty. I had mixed feelings going back to the hotel about the whole experience. There is a much less sinister feel about Kispest compared to Fradi, and I the ground and atmosphere was fairly comforting in a nostalgic way, like a Werther’s Original. However, I could have been at a lower league Belgian or Scottish match, given the surroundings and the quality of match.
Stadium Ratings
Quality of match: **
Stadium character: *****
Stadium atmosphere: ***
Hospitality: ***
Ease of access: ***
Things to do around the stadium: **
Overall: ***.5
Verdict: If you’re prepared to accept mediocre football and dated surroundings for an authentic, characterful and friendly experience, then Honved (Kispest) is worth the effort if you’re in Budapest.
Az pedig minősíthetetlen, hogy Bobál Dávid-ot padoztatja. Bobál eleget bizonyított már bőven.
Nyilván bajnokcsapat vagyunk, egy nemzetközi BL-párharc közepén állunk, ez feldobja a csapatot. De nagyon sok volt a rugdosódás, a labda össze-vissza ment, nem volt túl magas a színvonal...
Eddig előrejátékban a top az utóbbi időből a DVSC elleni 5-2-es meccsünk Rossival, ahhoz képest ez a meccs messze elmaradt.
Két fiatalt 20 éven alul játszatnunk kell, hogy a csapat kapjon pénzt. Ez viszont azt eredményezi, hogy néhányan nem kapnak lehetőséget a 20 éven felüliek közül.
Ha kicsit belegondolunk: Hosszú távon ez nem fog működni!
Ha minden évben újabb és újabb 20 éven alulit akarunk beépíteni, az azt eredményezi, hogy a tavaly esetleg éppen beépült új fiatal már a következő évben körön kívülre kerülhet. MÉg akkor is, ha esetleg jól szerepelt.
Idén Koszta nem kap lehetőséget (hova tehetnénk be?), jövőre esetleg már Tömösváriék és így tovább.
Szerintem ez a rendszer így fenntarthatatlan.